The CBR Facility was a 5-year $350m reform and capacity building program, funded through the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund. CBR was jointly implemented by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC).
The Facility's objective was to improve the capacity and performance of selected line ministries through a series of capacity and institution building programs. In return for reforms, line ministries received resources to recruit, pay and manage skilled national staff, who became part of the ministry’s professional civil service.
- Particip supported the MoF and IARCSC in various HR related activities.
- Particip reviewed and improved recruitment processes and procedures, management and evaluation of performance, and assure transparent and effective HR processes.
- Particip developed an HR database and reporting system for progress tracking and control.
- Particip assisted development and implementation of a Mid-level Management Development Programme and Management Internship Programme.