Analysis of the current state of internal and external communication of the DGI (Direction Générale des Impôts) and development of an action plan regarding communication based on TADAT
The principal objective of this program was to support the DGI (Direction Générale des Impôts) and its plan of modernisation, especially in the field of external and internal communication (as identified in a previous TADAT evaluation), in close cooperation with the principal partners, the DGI communication working group, the Cellule de Communication (CelCom) and the Division des Etudes et Reformes (DER).
The specific purpose within the assistance was the analysis of the current state of the internal and external communication of the DGI, the identification of its shortcomings as well as the determination of all necessary measures to be taken;
Furthermore, based on this analysis, Particip was developing an action plan for the improvement of the internal and external communication. The action plan incorporated findings of a previous TADAT evaluation in Cameroon as well as the results delivered in 2016 by ATAF (African Tax Administration Forum) and ICTD (International Center for Taxation and Development) regarding the communication of the tax authorities in Rwanda;
An important component of the action plan regarding the communication of the DGI was the development of a new graphic charter for DGI website, a new logo and the establishment of basic rules to enhance the coherent visual identity of the DGI;
During the implementation phase of the action plan by the DGI, continuous support and monitoring was provided. After a period of 6 months, the implementation progress was concluded with an overall evaluation.