Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2018






 Civil society, Human rights

Promotion of Human Rights and Human Rights Dialogues in Mauritania (PDDH)

The assignment was designed to contribute to the “strengthening of state and non-state actors to promote human rights”.
Its specific objective “a participatory approach and awareness tools on human rights/domestic violence are developed and implemented by non-state actors in at least 16 villages in the Wilayas of Assaba and Gorgol” was in line with MASEF’s National Action Plan 2015-2018.
This project enhanced the capacities of relevant persons, particularly women, to be aware of their fundamental rights and the existence of state and non-state structures they can refer to.
It also strengthened relevant organisations, particularly CSOs in the regions of Assaba and Gorgol, in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of their awareness raising activities.
Additionally, the programme contributed to the strengthening of the coordination and reporting mechanisms of MASEF (Ministry for social affairs, childhood and family) and improved the coordination and the cooperation between relevant stakeholders working on domestic violence issues.