
 2017 - 2019 50,467
Midterm evaluation of 2015/358-830 "Building and Consolidating National Capacities for Conflict Prevention"
The main objective was to provide the EU Foreign Policy Instruments with an independent assessment of the project’s performance regarding its overall objective of contributing to peace and stability by building and consolidating national capacities and initiatives for conflict prevention in conflict affected, fragile countries or countries undergoing transition.
The evaluation targeted the following specific objectives of the project which are formulated at three levels: At country level, strengthening the ability of national stakeholders (including civil society) to implement and support internal dialogue and negotiation initiatives and where appropriate, supporting the on-going consolidation of national and local institutions facilitating dialogue and negotiation (countries: Bolivia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Malawi, Timor-Leste, Togo and Yemen); At regional level, West Africa and Western Balkans, developing coordinated and complementary approaches linking country-level activities to regional initiatives, including on cross-cutting issues of gender, human rights and environmental and climate change; At global level, strengthening knowledge management capacities and improving ability to integrate lessons learned and good practices into UN/EU support to national partners on conflict prevention.

 Africa (Western), Europe


 2016 - 2019 716,565
Capacity Development in the Transport Sector in Liberia
The project aimed at supporting the Liberian Ministry of Transport (MoT) in becoming the lead policy making entity for an efficient and sustainable development of the whole transport sector.
The support measure was embedded in a larger GIZ-funded project with the overall objective: “The responsible public institutions and Liberia’s private sector were implementing reforms in accordance with the National Transport Master Plan (NTMP)". The NTMP included road maintenance measures which aimed at creating employment opportunities.



 2019 65,212
Formulation of the new Sector Budget Support in the area of Integral Development with Coca - PAPS3
The global objective was the support in the formulation and negotiation of new Action Document and its annexes in the area of Integral Development in coca-leaf production regions.
The specific objective was to support the EU Delegation to Bolivia in producing the necessary analysis (including cross cutting issues) and draft documentation for the negotiation and formulation of the Action Document based on the existing Concept Note.



 2015 - 2019 1,315,773
More Income and Employment in Rural Areas of Malawi (MIERA): Support to the Tourism Value Chain
The project aimed at raising the value added of tourism MSMEs and smallholders applying a value chain approach and through the use of inclusive business models.



 2018 - 2019 394,030
Evaluation of EU Support for Rule of Law in Neighbourhood Countries and Candidates and Potential Candidates of Enlargement in the period 2010-2017
The purpose of this evaluation was to provide an independent assessment and evidence on the scope and performance of the implemented and on-going EU support for Rule of Law (RoL) funded by the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA I and II), and the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI ) and its successor the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI ). It also encompassed support provided by global thematic instruments, such as the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).
The Evaluation assessed to what extent the EU support to these institutions led to strengthening of RoL in the respective countries and beneficiaries, and in particular whether essential RoL principles were applied in practice.

 ENI, ENI East, ENI South, IPA

 Albania, Georgia, Serbia, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine


 2019 101,237
EU Election Experts Mission (EEM) to Mauritania - presidential election 2019
The purpose of the Experts Mission was to collect factual information concerning the electoral process for the presidential elections, in line with the criteria contained in the Commission Communication on Electoral Assistance and Observation [COM(2000)191]. Moreover, the experts produced strategic analysis and reporting on the ongoing electoral processes and provided inputs for electoral reform as well as confidence enhancing measures, during and after the elections.



 2018 - 2019 255,559
Support for the development of the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH) through the National Human Rights Training Institute DRISS BENZEKRI (INFDH)
The general objective of the project was to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with international standards.



 2018 - 2019 92,455
Election Expert Mission (EEM) to Guinea-Bissau - Legislative elections of 2019
The purpose of the Experts Mission was to collect factual information concerning the electoral process, in line with the criteria contained in the Commission Communication on Electoral Assistance and Observation [COM(2000)191]. Moreover, the experts produced strategic analysis and reporting on the ongoing electoral processes and provided inputs for electoral reform as well as confidence-enhancing measures, during and after the elections.



 2017 - 2019 154,695
Institutional strengthening of the AMEXCID - Consultation on impact monitoring and impact evaluation
This project was part of the programme "Institutional Strengthening of AMEXCID" which is a Mexican development agency. The programme aimed at launching innovative joint initiatives to implement global agendas and to improve the instruments and governance structures in AMEXCID. Within the framework of this contract, services in "impact monitoring" and in "impact evaluation" were provided.



 2019 114,508
Mid-Term Evaluation: Rural Village Water Resources Management Project Phase III
The Rural Village Water Resources Management Project (RVWRMP) is supported by the Government of Nepal (GoN), the European Union (EU) and the Government of Finland (GoF). The core interventions of RVWRMP III provides the population of Sudur Paschim and Karnali Provinces access to water supply, energy, improved food security and improved management of their water resources. The overall objective of the Mid-Term Evaluation was to provide an independent analysis for the decision making with regard to continued validity of the impact, outcome and outputs as set out in the project document.



10 of 569 references
  •  Afghanistan
  •  Åland Islands
  •  Albania
  •  Algeria
  •  American Samoa
  •  Andorra
  •  Angola
  •  Anguilla
  •  Antarctica
  •  Antigua & Barbuda
  •  Argentina
  •  Armenia
  •  Aruba
  •  Australia
  •  Austria
  •  Azerbaijan
  •  Bahamas
  •  Bahrain
  •  Bangladesh
  •  Barbados
  •  Belarus
  •  Belgium
  •  Belize
  •  Benin
  •  Bermuda
  •  Bhutan
  •  Bolivia
  •  Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
  •  Bosnia & Herzegovina
  •  Botswana
  •  Bouvet Island
  •  Brazil
  •  British Indian Ocean Territory
  •  British Virgin Islands
  •  Brunei
  •  Bulgaria
  •  Burkina Faso
  •  Burundi
  •  Cambodia
  •  Cameroon
  •  Canada
  •  Cape Verde
  •  Cayman Islands
  •  Central African Republic
  •  Chad
  •  Chile
  •  China
  •  Christmas Island
  •  Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  •  Colombia
  •  Comoros
  •  Congo (Brazzaville)
  •  Congo (Kinshasa)
  •  Cook Islands
  •  Costa Rica
  •  Croatia
  •  Cuba
  •  Curaçao
  •  Cyprus
  •  Czech Republic
  •  Denmark
  •  Djibouti
  •  Dominica
  •  Dominican Republic
  •  East Timor
  •  Ecuador
  •  Egypt
  •  El Salvador
  •  Eritrea
  •  Estonia
  •  Eswatini
  •  Ethiopia
  •  Falkland Islands & Dep.
  •  Faroe Islands
  •  Fiji
  •  Finland
  •  France
  •  French Polynesia
  •  French Southern Territories
  •  Gabon
  •  Gambia
  •  Georgia
  •  Germany
  •  Ghana
  •  Gibraltar
  •  Greece
  •  Greenland
  •  Grenada
  •  Guadaloupe
  •  Guam
  •  Guatemala
  •  Guernsey
  •  Guinea (Conakry)
  •  Guinea Equatorial
  •  Guinea-Bissau
  •  Guyana (Georgetown)
  •  Guyana French (Cayenne)
  •  Haiti
  •  Heard Island And McDonald Islands
  •  Honduras
  •  Hong-Kong
  •  Hungary
  •  Iceland
  •  India
  •  Indonesia
  •  Iran
  •  Iraq
  •  Ireland
  •  Israel
  •  Italy
  •  Ivory Coast
  •  Jamaica
  •  Japan
  •  Jordan
  •  Kazakhstan
  •  Kenya
  •  Kiribati
  •  Korea (Republic Of)
  •  Korea, DPR
  •  Kosovo
  •  Kuwait
  •  Kyrgyzstan
  •  Laos
  •  Latvia
  •  Lebanon
  •  Lesotho
  •  Liberia
  •  Libya
  •  Liechtenstein
  •  Lithuania
  •  Luxembourg
  •  Macao
  •  Madagascar
  •  Malawi
  •  Malaysia
  •  Maldives
  •  Mali
  •  Malta
  •  Marshall Islands
  •  Martinica
  •  Mauritania
  •  Mauritius
  •  Mayotte
  •  Mexico
  •  Micronesia
  •  Moldova
  •  Monaco
  •  Mongolia
  •  Montenegro
  •  Montserrat
  •  Morocco
  •  Mozambique
  •  Myanmar
  •  Namibia
  •  Nauru
  •  Nepal
  •  Netherlands
  •  New Caledonia & Dep.
  •  New Zealand
  •  Nicaragua
  •  Niger
  •  Nigeria
  •  Niue
  •  Norfolk Island
  •  North Macedonia
  •  Northern Mariana Islands
  •  Norway
  •  Oman
  •  Pakistan
  •  Palau
  •  Palestine
  •  Panama
  •  Papua New Guinea
  •  Paraguay
  •  Peru
  •  Philippines
  •  Pitcairn Islands
  •  Poland
  •  Portugal
  •  Puerto Rico
  •  Qatar
  •  Réunion
  •  Romania
  •  Russia
  •  Rwanda
  •  Saint Barthélemy
  •  Saint Helena
  •  Saint Kitts And Nevis
  •  Saint Lucia
  •  Saint Martin (French Part)
  •  Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
  •  Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
  •  Samoa
  •  San Marino
  •  São Tomé & Príncipe
  •  Saudi Arabia
  •  Senegal
  •  Serbia
  •  Seychelles
  •  Sierra Leone
  •  Singapore
  •  Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
  •  Slovakia
  •  Slovenia
  •  Solomon Islands
  •  Somalia
  •  South Africa
  •  South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands
  •  South Sudan
  •  Spain
  •  Sri Lanka
  •  Sudan
  •  Suriname
  •  Svalbard & Jan Mayen
  •  Sweden
  •  Switzerland
  •  Syria
  •  Taiwan
  •  Tajikistan
  •  Tanzania
  •  Thailand
  •  Tibet
  •  Timor-leste
  •  Togo
  •  Tokelau
  •  Tonga
  •  Trinidad And Tobago
  •  Tunisia
  •  Türkiye
  •  Turkmenistan
  •  Turks & Caicos Islands
  •  Tuvalu
  •  U.K.
  •  Uganda
  •  Ukraine
  •  United Arab Emirates
  •  Uruguay
  •  USA
  •  USA Minor Outlying Islands
  •  USA Virgin Islands
  •  Uzbekistan
  •  Vanuatu
  •  Vatican City
  •  Venezuela
  •  Viet Nam
  •  Wallis & Futuna
  •  Western Sahara
  •  Yemen
  •  Zambia
  •  Zimbabwe
  •  Agriculture
  •  Civil society
  •  Communication & media
  •  Education
  •  Elections
  •  Energy
  •  Environment
  •  Food and nutrition
  •  Forestry
  •  Governance
  •  Health
  •  Human rights
  •  Humanitarian aid
  •  Industry & private sector development
  •  Information technology
  •  Infrastructure
  •  Institutional development
  •  Justice/Rule of Law
  •  Macro-economic/ National policy
  •  Management
  •  Monitoring & Evaluation
  •  PCM / Logframe
  •  Project implementation / Technical Assistance
  •  Public finance/budgeting
  •  Rural and urban development
  •  Trade
  •  Training