Project reference


Contract duration

 2018 - 2020




 ACP (Africa)


 Humanitarian aid, Institutional development, Training

Supporting the mainstreaming of resilience with the appropriate tools and practices

For the EU, investing in countries and regions experiencing fragility and conflict, and building resilience, is a key priority. The EU has devised and adopted policies reflecting this, most recently the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy and the New European Consensus on Development. Therefore, the objective of this project is to contribute to the implementation of these policies in ACP and OCT regions.
The objective of the project was to contribute to the implementation of the EU Global Strategy, the 2017 Resilience Communication, as well as the New EU Consensus on Development and support actions undertaken as part of the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus, by strengthening the implementation of these policy priorities for ACP and OCT regions.
The project also contributed to analytical inputs to increase impact and effectiveness of DEVCO responses to crisis and help build long-term resilience in all partner countries.
Ultimately, the purpose of the project was to serve the exclusive interest of the most fragile and conflict-affected countries or/and those who are in a major crisis. To that effect, it supported DG DEVCO in mainstreaming resilience, ensuring in-depth analysis and knowledge transfer both in-house and for the targeted countries.