Lot 17 - Strategic evaluations supports the European Commission services in conducting external, evidence-based evaluations of EU external action in partner countries, regions worldwide, and globally.
Strategic evaluations can encompass various scopes, including:
- Evaluations of EU external action support in a single country or a group of countries/region
- Thematic and sectoral evaluations with global coverage or focussing on a group of countries/region(s)
- Evaluations of EU external financing instruments (e.g. NDICI, IPA III)
- Evaluations of financial instruments (e.g. blending and guarantees at country/region(s) or
instrument level)
- Evaluations of implementation modalities (e.g. budget support operations with a country,
trust funds at country/region(s) or instrument level)
- Evaluations of the EU’s strategic relationship with specific implementing partners or types of partners (e.g. implementing partners under indirect management)
- Evaluations of Joint programming/Team Europe initiatives
- Other types of evaluation assignments (e.g. Meta Evaluations, Systematic Reviews)