Project reference


Contract duration

 2024 - 2027






 Agriculture, Environment, Rural and urban development

Support to the Egyptian Irrigation Modernization to Enhance the Water Productivity programme

The envisaged programme to be designed is foreseen to include:
  • Component 1: Implementation of on-farm irrigation water management Infrastructure. This component is intended to support on-farm (marwa/mesqa) irrigation modernization in the Nile Valley (specific areas to be decided).
The component is divided into the following:
1. Rehabilitation of mesqa (tertiary) system, including pump stations, wherever feasible renewable energy pumps (mainly solar pumps) will be considered, while accounting for feasibility and sustainability measures.
2. Transformation from open marwa canals to a pressurized distribution system composed of buried PVC pipes and hydrants and installing modern irrigation system (drip or bubblers) in the farms.
3. Establishment of mesqa Water User Associations and ensuring their proper representation.
  • Component 2: Capacity building and participation for government staff and farmers in the project area. This component aims to improve stakeholders' knowledge through
1. Building the capacity of Water User Associations, and key farmers on operation and maintenance of modernized irrigations systems, marketing, accounting and management.
2. Building the capacity of Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation officials in the field of design, implementation and operation of modern irrigation schemes, and improving their knowledge in the most recent technologies of water management and irrigation modernization.


 Particip (Lead), Incatema