Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2026


 Ethiopia, Nepal, Tanzania


 Agriculture, Education, Environment, Forestry, Governance, Monitoring & Evaluation, Rural and urban development

Framework Agreement for Decentralized Evaluations and Reviews (FADER) - Lot 1

The Framework Agreement for Decentralized Evaluations and Reviews (FADER) LOT 1 covers different types of appraisals, evaluations and reviews of development cooperation projects and programmes funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA).
The main users of the FADER are the regional departments of the MFA, which have regional and country specific development cooperation programmes/projects in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
The following assignments are implemented by Particip GmbH:
  • Project appraisal: Strengthening inclusive education system in support of Ethiopia's general education sectoral programme,
  • Appraisal of the Local Adaptation to Climate Change- Project in Nepal,
  • Project appraisal: Rural Economic Development (RED) Phase I in Ethiopia,
  • Appraisal of the “Forestry, Land Use and Value Chains Development in Tanzania” (FORLAND) programme,
  • Appraisal of Tax Sector Support to Tanzania (TAXTAN) programme.