The objective of the Functional review of the Ministry of infrastructure, housing and territorial planning was to assist decision-making concerning the implementation of the Government’s modernization agenda for the public administration on the level of this specific Ministry.
Being a tool for evaluation and decision-making, the functional review of the Ministry, its conclusions and recommendations should facilitate the implementation of measures to rationalize its structures in order to allow for more efficiency and a better (re-)allocation of resources, especially human resources with the double objective to allow for a better return and to generate savings.
The FR was supposed to be a project of redefining the Ministry’s tasks, its organigram and the allocation of its organs, as well as decision-making responsibilities concerning its key functions.
It should also indicate:
- the needs in terms of staff, the redeployment of officials in the evolving context of reforms to anticipate and especially of deconcentration and decentralisation, taking into account the need to consolidate public finances; in terms of sustainability concerning the development of the wage share and the rebalancing of public expenditure;
- the impact of these functional reviews on the requirements to be taken into account in the context of functional reviews of other Ministries.