Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2018







Final evaluation of two operations of the programme "Green Economy in Belarus"

The overall objective of the programme was the promotion in Belarus of green economy mechanisms through support to the relevant national efforts at policy, legislative, institutional, operational and international levels. This was achieved through the EU financial investments to Belarusian human, as well as natural and built capital.
The specific purposes of the Programme were the following:
  • to identify and develop the main mechanisms of green economy development and to provide institutional and legislative support to the Ministry of Natural Resources in this regard;
  • to extend international co-operation between Belarus and the EU, including sharing information on environmental data, and to intensify people to people contacts by transfer of EU knowledge, skills, experience and technologies to the personnel of the Ministry of Environment and its regional bodies;
  • to promote green economy decision making and production/consumption patterns through support and implementation of small green initiatives, pilot projects and visibility/public awareness projects.


 Particip (Lead), GEOtest NL