Project reference


Contract duration

 2024 - 2025






 Civil society, Institutional development, Justice/Rule of Law, Project implementation / Technical Assistance

EU Legal and Linguistic Support Phase 2 for the Turkish Cypriot community

The overall objective of the project is to facilitate the delivery of EU funded support under the Aid programme in view of preparing the Turkish Cypriot community for the implementation of the acquis communautaire following a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem.
Specific Objective 1: To improve the interpretation and translation sectors in Cyprus in line with EU standards
1.1 To provide technical support and guidance in using CAT (Phrase) Software and for legal translation/interpretation
1.2 To provide technical assistance for setting up the internal structures of the Bicommunal Professional Association of Translators and Interpreters in Cyprus and implementing activities targeting professionals and youth.
Specific Objective 2: To improve the “legislative processes” in the TCc in view of TAIEX supported legal texts and bring them in line with EU standards
2.1 To provide support for the process and procedures of legal texts drafting.
2.2 To improve awareness and understanding of EU policies, especially for the most active sectors of TAIEX support as per EU acquis in the Turkish Cypriot community, in addition to improving the understanding on the general functioning and structures within the Commission.
2.3 To provide support for the use of the Database developed by the previous EU Legal and Linguistic Support Project for TAIEX supported legal texts.
Specific Objective 3: To promote Cypriot linguistic heritage, network and solidarity amongst professionals and youth
3.1 To conduct awareness raising and networking events, in view of promoting Cypriot linguistic heritage
3.2 To improve interest for interpretation and translation profession, as well as multilingualism and to improve the network and solidarity amongst the professional interpreters and translators