Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2024






 Human rights

Support to the identification and formulation of a complementary support (top up) to the MOUSSAWAT program

The general objective of this program (2018-2024) was to contribute to gender equality in Morocco through a human rights approach, with the specific objectives of:
  • increasing women's empowerment and enjoyment of their rights;
  • combating violence against women and promoting a culture of equality;
  • ensuring gender mainstreaming in sectoral public policies and local governance.
The general objective of the project was to contribute to the implementation of the cooperation strategy of the European Union with the Kingdom of Morocco, in particular in terms of promotion of gender equality.
The specific objectives were to proceed to the identification and formulation of a top up to the MOUSSAWAT Support Program (phase II)
SO1: Combat all forms of gender-based violence in the public and private spheres, online and in the workplace
  • Support policies and programs to prevent gender-based violence
  • Ensure the protection and care of victims of gender-based violence
  • Strengthen the effective criminalization of gender-based violence
SO2: Contribute to the empowerment (emancipation) and realization of economic, social and labor rights of girls and women
  • Promote women's access to education at all levels, to vocational training and support their professional integration
  • Improve women's access to decent work
  • Facilitate women's access to productive resources, financing and entrepreneurship
SO3: Contribute to women's equal rights and opportunities to participate in political processes and governance at all levels
  • Support the strengthening and/or modification of legislative and regulatory frameworks for gender equality in political participation
  • Support women's and girls' participation at the national and local levels
  • Promote women's leadership in public administration (national and territorial) and the private sector
SO4: Promote a culture of equality
  • Fight against discrimination and gender stereotypes
  • Support gender responsive budgeting at the institutional level