Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022


Value: 1.298.093,84 NOK


 Africa, Global, MEDA region


 Lebanon, Nigeria


 Humanitarian aid

Midterm Review of Norway’s Humanitarian Strategy and Strategic Partnership Model

The midterm review object is the implementation of the humanitarian strategy, and the Strategic Partnership Model.
The purpose of the review is to assess whether Norway is on track in the implementation of the humanitarian strategy, assess the relevance of the strategy to adjust the course and to inform decision-making and strategic direction when formulating a new strategy for Norway's humanitarian engagement after 2023. The review also provides an assessment on the perceived value added of the Strategic Partnership Model, whether it is a good tool to achieve the main goals of the strategy and how it facilitates predictability and flexibility for the partners.
The specific objectives of the review are to:
1. Assess the relevance and coherence of the strategy and whether it has been used as the main tool to guide Norwegian humanitarian engagement.
2. Document progress and results in reaching the strategy's main goals.
3. Assess the Strategic Partnership Model, considering whether it is an effective tool for grant management, how it facilitates predictability and flexibility for the partners and whether it is likely to provide the best results for people in need in line with the priorities in the humanitarian strategy.
Based on the findings and conclusions, the review identifies lessons learnt and gives operational recommendations relevant for the continued follow-up and necessary adjustments of the strategy, and the Strategic Partnership Model.
The review has both a learning and accountability purpose, and its main users will be stakeholders at the Ministry, Norad and partners.