Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2021






 Civil society, Human rights

Final evaluation of the implementation of the SPRING Convention and related projects and formulation of recommendations

Systematic and timely evaluation of its programmes and activities is an established priority of the European Commission. Evaluation focuses on the analysis of the achievements, the attainment and the quality of the results of actions, in the context of an evolving cooperation policy, with an increasing emphasis on results-oriented approaches and contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
From this perspective, evaluators should find evidence of why, where and how these results are linked to the EU intervention and try to identify the factors driving or hindering progress.
Evaluators should provide an explanation of the causal links between inputs and activities, and outputs, outcomes and impacts. The evaluators' work should encourage accountability, decision-making, learning and management.
The main purpose of this evaluation was to provide the relevant EU services and interested stakeholders (including technical and financial partners and civil society organisations) with the following information
  • an overall and independent analysis of
    • the overall coherence of the Spring Convention (choice and articulation/complementarity of components, choice of partners, management modes, calls for proposals, timetable, etc). The analysis of coherence was also put into perspective with EU projects and programmes in Morocco on the professional integration of vulnerable Moroccan populations.
    • the performance of the projects implemented under the latter, and more specifically the two following projects, paying particular attention to their results in comparison with the expected objectives. The factors (positive or negative) underlying these results have been identified.
    • Support for the creation and development of entrepreneurship projects and cooperatives among refugees in Morocco' (UNHCR).
    • Work4Integration
  • The evaluation of the Work4Integration project was carried out in order to identify lessons learnt, conclusions and associated recommendations, so as to improve/guide, if necessary, the remaining actions of the Work4Integration project and to help sustain them in order to systematise good practices.
In particular, this evaluation served to understand how the programme's articulation, as well as the implementation arrangements proposed under each of the projects, have allowed the performance of the actions as demonstrated to date (response to the needs of care and training of the beneficiaries and reduction of the vulnerabilities/empowerment of the target populations), the effectiveness of the capacity building of the national actors, as well as the institutionalisation of the established cooperation mechanisms and processes.
The evaluation covered the relevance of the procedures and tools for information and selection of beneficiaries as developed and applied in each of the projects (particularly in terms of employability), the determining factors in the professional and socio-economic integration of migrants and refugees, the structural (or other) reasons underlying the delays in the deployment of certain activities and the achievement of certain results.
The evaluation of the Financing Agreement and its projects served as a basis for the planning of future EU actions and interventions in the same sector, notably in the framework of the UTF funding allocated for Morocco under phase III of the DEV-pillar of the Regional Development and Protection programme, Reference: T05-EUTF-NOA-REG-08 (the specific objective for Morocco was: Self-sufficiency of target groups and host communities is enhanced).
For the Delegation of the European Union in Morocco, the specific aspects to be assess
  • The coherence of the programme as articulated in the Financing Agreement with i) the objectives of the Mobility Partnership, ii) the Migration Policy Support Programme and iii) the Sharaka project.
  • The relevance of the guidelines of the call for proposals to the achievement of specific objective 2 of the Financing Agreement.
  • The contribution of the different projects to the results of (i) the Financing Agreement and (ii) the call for proposals
  • The adequacy of the response mechanisms (including awareness-raising campaigns) proposed in the projects, i) with the needs of migrants and refugees and ii) with the existing training, referral and support systems. The complementarity of the schemes has been studied.
  • The relevance of the choice of project leaders (contractors and co-contractors): relevance of the roles and functions assigned to national partners (institutional and associative) in the projects as well as their adequacy with the technical capacities, mandates, sectoral and functional responsibilities. The added value of the partners selected was commented on, particularly with a view to the sustainability of the mechanisms put in place.
  • The relevance of the projects' set-up in the perspective of the institutionalisation of the mechanisms of support, supervision and financing of the beneficiaries as deployed and/or supported by the projects. In this respect, the relevance of the granting of subsidies and co-financing arrangements was studied.
  • The relevance, quality and effectiveness of the capacity building activities of the beneficiaries and partners as well as their anchorage in the existing institutional fabric and their coordination with other similar initiatives.
  • The achievement and sustainability of planned results and the positive and negative factors underlying them.
  • The performance of the management of the actions, as well as the absorption and adaptation capacity of the implementing actors to a changing environment and a restrictive legal framework.
  • The calibration of financial resources versus the results obtained.
  • The adequacy of funding methods (grants versus micro-finance)


 Particip (Lead), EPRD