Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2021


USD 223,183.00



Consultancy Services to Carry out Re-organization and Modernization of the Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Somaliland Government (Civil Service Strengthening Project)

The Government of Somaliland (GoSL) was supported to improve capacity to perform key government functions, strengthen its policy capabilities and improve civil service management including support to improve institutional, organizational and individual level capacity to improve public sector performance.
Organizational performance is directly dependent on the quality of staff performing well-defined functions on the basis of clearly defined mandates and availability of appropriate tools and enabling work conditions.
The Civil Service Strengthening Project (CSSP), funded by the World Bank, aimed to support the GoSL to conduct a rapid assessment of mandates, functions and staffing requirements of ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) including taking them through a visioning process to define their vision, mission and value system.
The key objective was to support the establishment and/or strengthening of Human resources and the Policy and planning departments in the beneficiary institutions (BIs) and the roll out of related reforms in these areas.
The objective of this assignment was to provide technical assistance to support a diagnostic assessment of the organizational set up of MDAs focusing on their mandates, functions, and organizational structures, staffing requirements and administrative policies, processes and systems.
The assessment identified:
  • National development priorities that MDA contributes, Service Delivery and performance issues;
  • Gaps in mandates and functions in the context of government performance on national development objectives;
  • Relevance of the current organizational structure to the mandates and functions and proposed changes and recommendations in the organizational structure, taking into account relevant international experience;
  • Vision, mission and value statements of MDA in line with NDP2 and HR best practices
  • Relevance of current staffing to the mandates and functions and recommendations on staffing requirements, taking into consideration impact on the wage bill of MDA;
  • Critical and strategic positions to be filled through the Talent Management Program (TMP).
The result of the organizational assessment facilitates the identification of critical and strategic positions to be filled through the Talent Management Program.


 Particip (Lead), Dansom