Review of repetition policy and development of policy guidelines for primary schools in Malawi
In Malawi, one of the main priorities within the second Education Sector Implementation Plan (ESIP II) is aiming to significantly reduce repetition through capping the repetition rate at 10%. In 2011, a circular on repetition by MoEST was produced.
The overall objective of this project was to review and update Repetition Policy, develop Policy guidelines and corresponding implementation plan to increase learner retention and promotion.
Policy guidelines developed describe strategies and concrete measures to implement the policy. These strategies address the quality of education in general, but also focus on direct measures to implement the policy. These included but were not limited to measures regarding:
- the assessment of learners and decision making on promotion and repetition
- other related policies and strategies, particularly regarding learner and teacher attendance
- preventive and remedial programmes
- incentive schemes for school management and teachers
- supervision and support to districts and schools
The implementation plan developed lays out activities, timelines and responsibilities in relation to the identified strategies captured in the policy guidelines. Additionally, it included a monitoring framework to ensure the availability of information to track the progress of the implementation and its impact.