Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2018




 Africa (Central), Africa (Eastern), Africa (Northern), Africa (Western), ENI South




 Civil society, Governance, Health, Humanitarian aid, Monitoring & Evaluation

Mid-term evaluation (MTE) of the support project to the “Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue (MMD)”

The MTE aimed to provide independent insights into further improving effective, efficient and economic delivery on results in order to inform the project implementation and make adjustments if necessary through the evaluation of the management and delivery set-up, structures and processes of the ongoing project.
It also aimed to enable ICMPD as well as project stakeholders to assess the project implementation experience at mid-term, learn from the experiences mindful of evolution of the context, and determine adjustments to optimize project implementation and outcomes.
The evaluation identified lessons learnt as well as effective practices based on the experience of 24 months of the project and come up with proposals/recommendations on how to refine the project activities as well as management to best achieve its intended results.
Through the OECD evaluation criteria the exercise reviewed the project implementation, including management, structure, internal mechanisms, and working procedures, as well as outputs and outcomes.
The evaluation reviewed the ways the project adapted its structure and internal mechanisms to the changing environment of migration issues.
The evaluation fully covered eight issues underlined in the tender ToR, plus one to incorporate the OECD criteria:
  • Describe the status quo of project implementation based on a review of activities and budget expenditures (comparison planned vs. actual);
  • Assess to which extent the project activities have remained consistent with objectives and key results outlined in the project proposa;
  • Informally assess the extent project objectives remain suited to possibly evolving priorities and policies of target groups, and consistency of activities and outputs with over goal and objectives;
  • Assess whether the logic intervention (logframe) of the project needs to be updated, considering the fast changing project context, and suggest a revised logframe design;
  • Determine the interaction with the project partners and gain stakeholder information and feedback;
  • Rate how the management arrangements support the effective and efficient implementation of the project;
  • Identify constraints and challenges and how these can be mitigated during the project continuation;
  • Identify lessons learned, effective practices and formulate recommendations as regards the implementation and management of the project;
  • Formulate recommendations on how to enhance the expected impact of project activities.