
 2021 - 2022 391,390
Evaluation of the EU's support to climate change and environment in Enlargement and Neighbourhood regions
The purpose of this study is i) to provide an independent and evidence-based assessment of the EU's past and current external action support in the policy area of environment and climate change in Enlargement and Neighbourhood regions; and ii) based on this assessment, to provide lessons learnt and recommendations for decision-makers at EU level.
The evaluation encompasses both spending and non-spending activities between 2014 and 2020. It examines all funding mechanisms and modalities of implementation used under the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) II and the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) in a variety of sectors (e.g. energy, water and waste management).

 ENI East, ENI South, IPA

 Egypt, Georgia, Kosovo, Lebanon, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia, Ukraine


 2021 - 2022 128,296
Midterm Review of Norway’s Humanitarian Strategy and Strategic Partnership Model
The midterm review object is the implementation of the humanitarian strategy, and the Strategic Partnership Model.
The purpose of the review is to assess whether Norway is on track in implementing the humanitarian strategy, assess the relevance of the strategy to adjust the course and inform decision-making and strategic direction when formulating a new strategy for Norway's humanitarian engagement after 2023. The review provides an assessment on the perceived value added of the Strategic Partnership Model, whether it is a good tool to achieve the strategy's main goals and how it facilitates predictability and flexibility for the partner

 Africa, Global, MEDA region

 Lebanon, Nigeria


 2021 - 2022 281,875
Evaluation of Finland's Humanitarian Assistance 2016-2022
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) commissioned an evaluation of Finland’s humanitarian assistance, with a view to (i) enhancing the effectiveness of Finland’s current humanitarian assistance, (ii) identifying potential ways to strengthen Finland’s capacity to influence its partners in the thematic areas of the current humanitarian policy and (iii) enhancing Finland’s humanitarian aid management processes.


 Bangladesh, South Sudan, Syria


 2021 - 2022 429,874
Mid-term evaluation of the performance of the International Science and Technology Center and the Science and the Technology Center Ukraine
The EU supports efforts to enhance governance and cooperation on Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) risk detection and mitigation at both the regional and the global level. In addition to the Centres of Excellence Initiative and the EU P2P programme, the EU also supports the securing of sensitive knowledge and technology through, in particular, the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC) in Kazakhstan and the Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine (STCU). These two science centres were the subjects of this evaluation.
The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the European Union and other interested stakeholders with:
  • an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the two centres both in the core objective of containment of sensitive knowledge and as implementers of specific CBRN, export control actions and other activities against the objectives and results established in the strategic documents;
  • key lessons learned, achievements, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future engagement of the centres and related funding schemes.
In particular, this evaluation served to explore the possibility to enlarge the scope of the spectrum of activities implemented and to provide recommendations on other type of funding mechanisms to cover the administrative costs.
The main user of this evaluation is the European Commission, specifically FPI.



 2022 205,386
Programme formulation for an accountable State for Development
L'objectif général du présent marché est le suivant: Appuyer l’UE et le Gouvernement de la République de Madagascar à promouvoir une gouvernance inclusive, démocratique et équitable.
Formuler un programme de renforcement de la gouvernance « Pour un Etat redevable au
service du développement à Madagascar », à mettre en œuvre immédiatement sur financement
NDICI 2022-2027. Ce programme devra être pertinent et adapté au contexte malgache dans son
contenu et ses modalités de mise en œuvre, et tenir compte des leçons tirées des expériences passées.



 2022 99,992
Mid-term evaluation of the "Support to Governance Sector in Sierra Leone" programme
The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the European Union and other interested stakeholders with:
  • an overall independent assessment of the performance of the technical assistance in Sierra Leone in the areas of Civil Service Reform, Parliament and the Electoral Cycle, Technical Assistance in support of the Governance Sector in Sierra Leone in the area of Civil Registration, Programme Estimate on Civil Registration, Programme Estimate - Civil Service Reform with HRMO/PSC and Meeting Critical Infrastructure and Technology Needs in the Parliament of Sierra Leone, paying particular attention to its different levels of results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results;
  • key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future interventions

 Sierra Leone


 2017 - 2022
DFID Global Evaluation Framework Agreement
Global Evaluation Framework Agreement (GEFA) to ensure the provision of efficient and effective expert services for the design and implementation of evaluations of ODA delivered by DFID and Other Government
Department (OGDs).



 2019 - 2022 916,000
Support to the strengthening of the MINECO's capacities, in the access to the market of the MSMEs and Cooperatives
The general objective of the program of which this contract is a part is to improve the competitiveness of MSMEs and cooperatives in order to meet market requirements.
The specific objective (SO) of this contract is to improve MINECO's capacity to support the competitiveness of MSMEs and cooperatives in accessing formal markets and linking up to value chains.



 2021 - 2022 69,200
EU-GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification Evaluation
The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union and the interested stakeholders with:
  • an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the EU-GCC project, paying particular attention to its intermediate results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results;
  • key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future Actions.

 Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates


 2021 - 2022 155,737
Promotion of the return of Somali refugees with a community oriented reintegration approach: Consultancy for Third Party Monitoring and Evaluation in Somalia
In January 2015, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) contracted GIZ to assist the Government of Somalia with the social and economic (re-) integration of returnees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) as well as members of the host community of Kismayo in Jubaland. This project has been extended to run until 12/ 2022, under the title “Somali Reintegration Program” (SRP) with the aim of supporting returnees, IDPs and host community members of Kismayo to establish and secure sustainable livelihoods through a community-based approach of (re-)integration.
The project was implemented in five fields of action: (1) improving the functioning of social and economic infrastructure; (2) promoting income-generating opportunities through business support, employment promotion, and the provision of employment services; (3) qualifying selected local authorities and institutions in managing the (re-)integration of returnees and IDPs; (4) providing basic psycho-social support (not to be included in the TPM) as well as (5) providing short-term services to strengthen the resilience of the population to COVID- 19.



10 of 569 references
  •  Afghanistan
  •  Åland Islands
  •  Albania
  •  Algeria
  •  American Samoa
  •  Andorra
  •  Angola
  •  Anguilla
  •  Antarctica
  •  Antigua & Barbuda
  •  Argentina
  •  Armenia
  •  Aruba
  •  Australia
  •  Austria
  •  Azerbaijan
  •  Bahamas
  •  Bahrain
  •  Bangladesh
  •  Barbados
  •  Belarus
  •  Belgium
  •  Belize
  •  Benin
  •  Bermuda
  •  Bhutan
  •  Bolivia
  •  Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
  •  Bosnia & Herzegovina
  •  Botswana
  •  Bouvet Island
  •  Brazil
  •  British Indian Ocean Territory
  •  British Virgin Islands
  •  Brunei
  •  Bulgaria
  •  Burkina Faso
  •  Burundi
  •  Cambodia
  •  Cameroon
  •  Canada
  •  Cape Verde
  •  Cayman Islands
  •  Central African Republic
  •  Chad
  •  Chile
  •  China
  •  Christmas Island
  •  Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  •  Colombia
  •  Comoros
  •  Congo (Brazzaville)
  •  Congo (Kinshasa)
  •  Cook Islands
  •  Costa Rica
  •  Croatia
  •  Cuba
  •  Curaçao
  •  Cyprus
  •  Czech Republic
  •  Denmark
  •  Djibouti
  •  Dominica
  •  Dominican Republic
  •  East Timor
  •  Ecuador
  •  Egypt
  •  El Salvador
  •  Eritrea
  •  Estonia
  •  Eswatini
  •  Ethiopia
  •  Falkland Islands & Dep.
  •  Faroe Islands
  •  Fiji
  •  Finland
  •  France
  •  French Polynesia
  •  French Southern Territories
  •  Gabon
  •  Gambia
  •  Georgia
  •  Germany
  •  Ghana
  •  Gibraltar
  •  Greece
  •  Greenland
  •  Grenada
  •  Guadaloupe
  •  Guam
  •  Guatemala
  •  Guernsey
  •  Guinea (Conakry)
  •  Guinea Equatorial
  •  Guinea-Bissau
  •  Guyana (Georgetown)
  •  Guyana French (Cayenne)
  •  Haiti
  •  Heard Island And McDonald Islands
  •  Honduras
  •  Hong-Kong
  •  Hungary
  •  Iceland
  •  India
  •  Indonesia
  •  Iran
  •  Iraq
  •  Ireland
  •  Israel
  •  Italy
  •  Ivory Coast
  •  Jamaica
  •  Japan
  •  Jordan
  •  Kazakhstan
  •  Kenya
  •  Kiribati
  •  Korea (Republic Of)
  •  Korea, DPR
  •  Kosovo
  •  Kuwait
  •  Kyrgyzstan
  •  Laos
  •  Latvia
  •  Lebanon
  •  Lesotho
  •  Liberia
  •  Libya
  •  Liechtenstein
  •  Lithuania
  •  Luxembourg
  •  Macao
  •  Madagascar
  •  Malawi
  •  Malaysia
  •  Maldives
  •  Mali
  •  Malta
  •  Marshall Islands
  •  Martinica
  •  Mauritania
  •  Mauritius
  •  Mayotte
  •  Mexico
  •  Micronesia
  •  Moldova
  •  Monaco
  •  Mongolia
  •  Montenegro
  •  Montserrat
  •  Morocco
  •  Mozambique
  •  Myanmar
  •  Namibia
  •  Nauru
  •  Nepal
  •  Netherlands
  •  New Caledonia & Dep.
  •  New Zealand
  •  Nicaragua
  •  Niger
  •  Nigeria
  •  Niue
  •  Norfolk Island
  •  North Macedonia
  •  Northern Mariana Islands
  •  Norway
  •  Oman
  •  Pakistan
  •  Palau
  •  Palestine
  •  Panama
  •  Papua New Guinea
  •  Paraguay
  •  Peru
  •  Philippines
  •  Pitcairn Islands
  •  Poland
  •  Portugal
  •  Puerto Rico
  •  Qatar
  •  Réunion
  •  Romania
  •  Russia
  •  Rwanda
  •  Saint Barthélemy
  •  Saint Helena
  •  Saint Kitts And Nevis
  •  Saint Lucia
  •  Saint Martin (French Part)
  •  Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
  •  Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
  •  Samoa
  •  San Marino
  •  São Tomé & Príncipe
  •  Saudi Arabia
  •  Senegal
  •  Serbia
  •  Seychelles
  •  Sierra Leone
  •  Singapore
  •  Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
  •  Slovakia
  •  Slovenia
  •  Solomon Islands
  •  Somalia
  •  South Africa
  •  South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands
  •  South Sudan
  •  Spain
  •  Sri Lanka
  •  Sudan
  •  Suriname
  •  Svalbard & Jan Mayen
  •  Sweden
  •  Switzerland
  •  Syria
  •  Taiwan
  •  Tajikistan
  •  Tanzania
  •  Thailand
  •  Tibet
  •  Timor-leste
  •  Togo
  •  Tokelau
  •  Tonga
  •  Trinidad And Tobago
  •  Tunisia
  •  Türkiye
  •  Turkmenistan
  •  Turks & Caicos Islands
  •  Tuvalu
  •  U.K.
  •  Uganda
  •  Ukraine
  •  United Arab Emirates
  •  Uruguay
  •  USA
  •  USA Minor Outlying Islands
  •  USA Virgin Islands
  •  Uzbekistan
  •  Vanuatu
  •  Vatican City
  •  Venezuela
  •  Viet Nam
  •  Wallis & Futuna
  •  Western Sahara
  •  Yemen
  •  Zambia
  •  Zimbabwe
  •  Agriculture
  •  Civil society
  •  Communication & media
  •  Education
  •  Elections
  •  Energy
  •  Environment
  •  Food and nutrition
  •  Forestry
  •  Governance
  •  Health
  •  Human rights
  •  Humanitarian aid
  •  Industry & private sector development
  •  Information technology
  •  Infrastructure
  •  Institutional development
  •  Justice/Rule of Law
  •  Macro-economic/ National policy
  •  Management
  •  Monitoring & Evaluation
  •  PCM / Logframe
  •  Project implementation / Technical Assistance
  •  Public finance/budgeting
  •  Rural and urban development
  •  Trade
  •  Training