Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2023






 Communication & media, Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation on Development Communications in the Context of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Finland

The evaluation examines the role of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in the development communications and assesses the efficiency and coherence of the current organisational processes and practices. The effectiveness of various development communications means, modalities and channels that are currently at the MFA disposal is assessed. Based on the related findings the evaluation draws justified conclusions and makes recommendations for enhancing the efficiency, effectiveness and coherence of the Ministry’s development communications for various audiences.
The temporal scope of the evaluation covers the years 2015- 2022. The evaluation only covers activities funded by MFA Finland, including those of programme CSOs that received funding for development communication, while the main focus is on VIE-30 communications.
The evaluation is based on two tracks of inquiry. The first inquiry track is descriptive (how has MFA supported and implemented development communication and global education), and the second is evaluative (how effective, efficient and coherent has the MFA been in funding and implementing development communication).


 Particip (Lead), Niras Finland Oy