Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2017






 Infrastructure, Justice/Rule of Law

Mid-term evaluation of PARJ (Support to Justice Reform Programme) and of the start of PARJ II

The general objective of the mission was to realise the mid-term evaluation of PARJ (Support to Justice Reform Programme) and of the start of PARJ II
The objective was to provide sufficient information to decision-making bodies of the government of Tunisia, to the Delegation of the European Union and to other concerned parties in order to:
  • appreciate the conception, relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of PARJ and PARJ II globally and independently and provide an assessment of the viability of the approach, of its visibility and the corrections to be made, especially on indicators of results and performance
  • evaluate the management of PARJ and the activities of the different stakeholders (MJ, beneficiaries, UGPARJ, EUD, contractors etc.), manuals of procedures, the management of Twinning and of the ATPARJ, the financial and administrative as well as HR management, the archiving and monitoring of projects within the PMU, and activities of communication and visibility ;
  • learn lessons from the intervention to improve the management of PARJ II and new projects to be financed by the European Union or by other donors in corresponding areas of intervention.


 Particip (Lead), GOPA