Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2017






 Environment, Institutional development, PCM / Logframe

Identification and formulation of integrated programs in enhancing the capacity of AHA centre and role of the ASEAN emergency response and assessment team (ASEAN-ERAT)

The global objective was to elaborate clear options and modalities of intervention for appropriate EU-ASEAN support actions in enhancing the capacity of AHA Centre (ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management) to achieve operational excellence in disaster monitoring and emergency response and strengthening the capacity and role of the ASEAN Emergency Response and Assessment Team (ASEAN-ERAT).
Specific objective was to identify clear intervention options for the EU to support AHA Centre and formulate detailed design of the project through the Identification and formulation of the Action Document.
Two distinct phases were foreseen under this assignment to produce one single Project Document that represents the two above mentioned Concept Notes:
Phase 1) Identification of intervention areas and work scoping. This entailed production of an Identification Document.
Phase 2) Formulation of the actions and design of combined project. This entailed production of an Action Document.


 Particip (Lead)