Project reference


Contract duration

 2015 - 2016






 Governance, Project implementation / Technical Assistance, Public finance/budgeting, Training

Transforming Administration, Strengthening Innovation (TRANSFORMASI): Strengthening the training system for sub-national Financial Management

The overall objective of the GIZ-funded TRANSFORMASI Programme was to support the Bureaucracy Reform of the Indonesian government by contributing to a more effective, efficient, accountable and citizen-oriented public administration with sound public financial management systems.
In this context, the Ministry of Finance requested support for the improvement of the local financial management capacity building system and its institutional anchoring.
The project was organised along 10 results areas:
1.Adapt existing training modules for local financial management as well as training guidelines
2.Establish the foundation of a functioning training management system for the local government level
3.Improve the Training of Trainers system
4.Improve e-learning products and institutionalize their implementation
5.Improve capacities of the Directorate of Fiscal Balance in local revenue and accounting as well as in quality assurance
6.Develop and institutionalize the competency profile and career management system for the new functional position of Financial Analyst for the Directorate of Local Finance
7.Develop an accreditation and certification system for local training providers
8.Institutionalise training for Financial Analysts in the context of the civil service reform (incl. concept and guidelines for training and its institutionalisation)
9.Develop a guideline for the implementation of an M&E system of Financial Analyst training and coaching
10.Develop guidelines for Financial Analyst career management system and capacity development, including the following outputs:
  • Planning: guidelines for transition ("inpassing") programme (transfer of officials to functional career track)
  • Recruitment & Selection: reviewed competency standards, inpassing programme for other ministries/public institutions as well as for local governments
  • Development & Training: guidelines for training needs assessment, curriculum, coaching and mentoring programme, concept for Centers of Excellence
  • Career Management: guidelines for career management
  • Remuneration: job grading of all job titles
  • Organisational strategy: Road Map for Financial Analyst management system, piloting concept, communication strategy, M&E guidelines, selection of local governments for piloting programme


 Particip (Lead), Asian Management Consulting, IMC