Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2023







Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D) - Promoting employability of youth, specifically young women, in technical professions

The main goal of this project is to entail skills development through classroom and practical training in the training institution’s workshop after which the trainees will be matched to companies for attachments for real work environment practical training. Thereafter, trainees will be supported to transit into jobs.
The project targets to support the training of 720 youth in the KNQA level IV courses in the 3 years, at least 70% of whom must be women. It is implemented in 3 different regions of Kenya (Coast, Central and Nairobi region), where four institutions have been selected to offer the courses.
As a core element, the project works jointly with the TVET institutions to identify suitable cooperation formats with the private sector to increase labour demand and improve access to jobs and economic opportunities for the youth in Kenya, by establishing linkages and partnerships between vocational training institutions and companies.
Work package 1: Community gender roles sensitization forums, mobilization of Trainees:
In collaboration with TVET institutes, the project mobilises trainees to participate in competency-based education and training (CBET) courses. This includes engagement with community leaders and other influential groups to sensitize about the potential of women in TVET and technical career pathways.
Work package 2: Sponsorship funds management:
The project supports vulnerable trainees pursuing the CBET courses, covering tuition fees and stipends. This is made through local subsidies with thee four selected training institutions.
Work package 3: Industry sensitization forums and job placements:
The project organises sensitization workshops with local industry players in order to encourage them to provide practical training opportunities (attachments) and jobs for the graduates. The project organises job fairs and learning round tables to facilitate networking and share experience. The project provided training on entrepreneurship and work readiness skills to trainees to facilitate (self-)employment.
Work package 4: Project sustainability:
The project provides capacity building of training institutions on mobilisation and enrolment into the CBET courses. Lessons learnt and best practices are documented and shared at national government level.