Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2024






 Civil society, Governance, Institutional development, Project implementation / Technical Assistance, Public finance/budgeting, Training

Good Financial Governance - Consulting service to support Internal Audit System

The programme objective was to ensure the public finance system is strengthened in accordance with the principles of good financial governance, specifically transparency, efficiency and accountability.
Tasks performed: Implementing Field of Action 2 (FoA2) of the programme focused on strengthening the internal audit function across the Tanzanian public sector. This encompassed the achievement of the outcome and respective output indicators of FoA2 as follows:
Outcome indicator 2:
  • 17 out of 30 internal audit units of ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs) and local government authorities (LGAs) improve their internal audit reports’ conformance with international standards by one step (based on standards of the Institute of Internal Auditors, IIA)
Output B;
  • Conditions for an effective internal audit function are improved in line with the MoFP's 'strategy for the further development of the internal audit system in the public sector of Tanzania'.
Output Indicator B.1;
  • 3 newly developed or revised guidance documents addressing recurrent issues of the Internal Audit strategy have been adopted by the Ministry of Finance and Planning (MoFP)
Output indicator B.2;
  • 3 measures for improved knowledge management are implemented amongst IAGD and Internal Audit Units of partner LGAs/MDAs.
Output indicator B.3;
  • 3 measures, agreed upon in a MoFP action plan to establish independent and effective audit committees in the Tanzanian public sector, have been implemented.


 Particip (Lead), EY Germany, EY Tanzania