Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2021






 Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia


 Macro-economic/ National policy, Monitoring & Evaluation, Public finance/budgeting

Remittances and Payments Program (RPP) in Western Balkans - Final Project Evaluation

The RPP Program Evaluation is being conducted to assess the implementation, management governance, and results of the program observed until the date of the evaluation to draw lessons for future programming. The evaluation was expected to benefit design and implementation of other similar ongoing and future Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA) activities. This Evaluation has assessed:
'==' 1. Program strategy design and approach: with a forward-looking approach, independent evaluator(s)
will assess RPP strategy, and management and governance arrangements.

'==' 2. Country program performance: assessed based on the modified Organization for Economic Cooperationnand Development (OECD)/Development Assistance Committee (DAC) evaluation criteria,
notably—Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Coherence and Sustainability. However where outcomes
are already available, these were assessed.
'==' 3. Knowledge management performance: assessed based on the evaluation questions below,
focusing on RPP’s relevance, effectiveness, efficiency on producing frontier knowledge on areas
relevant for the countries and topics it supports in an efficient and impactful way.
'==' 4. A list of the donor-specific criteria for external evaluations to be used (based on OECD-DAC criteria) will be shared with the evaluators. The scope of the evaluation has to be defined accordingly in the inception