Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2020






 Communication & media

EU communication campaign in Djibouti: Visibility of the EU's actions for Women and Employment in the Republic of Djibouti

The overall objective of the campaign is to consolidate the EU’s image as the main partner for Djiboutians, focussing on the values of the EU, in particular the promotion of women's rights and sustainable development resulting in job creation.
The specific objectives of this contract are:
a) Design and implement a communication campaign focussing on EU assistance to sustainable development resulting in job creation. The campaign aims at strengthening the image of the EU as the main support partner of Djibouti. In this context the project will:
  • Define the target audience and its size (core target of the campaign, main target, secondary target);
  • Define the communication message(s) and axis of the campaign that will support the actions and communication tools for each identified target audience. These messages should contribute to: (i) publicise EU actions in the field of employment promotion; (ii) assess the relevant results of the actions carried out; (iii) to positively change the perception of the target audience on EU support in the field of knowledge building and job creation;
  • Identify for the campaign, the choice of media and supports (based on the defined budget and characteristics of the target audience) that will be produced and disseminated in order to contribute to a positive change in the perception of the EU and the image that the target audience has of it;
  • Define the provisional budget allowing to have a realistic global vision of the project by taking into account the selected supports;
  • Define a retro-planning to highlight the essential steps of the communication campaign;
(b) Design and implement a communication campaign focussing on the values of the EU, in particular the defence of the rights of women and girls. The objective of the campaign is to consolidate the image of the EU as Djibouti’s main partner. In this context the project will:
  • Define the target audience and its size (core target of the campaign, main target, secondary target);
  • Define the target audience and its size (core target of the campaign, main target, secondary target);
  • Define the communication message(s) and axis of the campaign that will support the actions and communication tools for each identified target audience. These messages should contribute to: (i) publicise EU actions in the field of employment promotion; (ii) assess the relevant results of the actions carried out; (iii) to positively change the perception of the target audience on EU support in the field of knowledge building and the defence of the rights of women and girls;
  • Identify for the campaign, the choice of media and supports (based on the defined budget and characteristics of the target audience) that will be produced and disseminated in order to contribute to a positive change in the perception of the EU and the image that the target audience has of it;
  • Define the provisional budget allowing to have a realistic global vision of the project by taking into account the selected supports;
  • Define a retro-planning to highlight the essential steps of the communication campaign;
(c) Define indicators to monitor the achievement of the results listed above, which are measurable and objectively verifiable, half way through and at the end of the implementation period of the communication campaigns.