Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2018







Options for a diploma qualification in the primary education sub-sector

The overall objective of the project was to develop realistic options for the introduction of a diploma qualification in the primary education sub-sector and to demonstrate their systemic, financial and institutional implications.
Particip reviewed the various options for a diploma as outlined below:
  • Diploma qualification for teachers;
  • Diploma qualification for other primary education sub-sector personnel;
  • Diploma qualifications in areas of specialisation.
Each review considered different ways in which the category of diploma could be introduced. The project determined the feasibility of sustaining each option in terms of the likely, available financing as well as the set-up costs. The capacity to deliver a diploma programme was analysed as well as implications for Teacher Training Colleges and their associated Teaching Practice Schools. The institutional links necessary to validate a diploma was also explored and elaborated.