Project reference


Contract duration







 Civil society, Monitoring & Evaluation

Final Evaluation of Sivil Dusun Programme (Program to support civil society)

The global objective of this assignment was to carry out the final evaluation of Sivil Dusun Programme (contracts IPA/2012/306-893 and IPA/2014/352-653 centrally managed by the EU Delegation to Turkey in the framework of the Civil Society Facility - Turkey window). The evaluation provided findings and recommendations to assist the EU Delegation to Turkey in the programming and implementation of upcoming supports to civil society in Turkey, and more particularly of the third phase of Sivil Dusun due to start by-mid 2018.
The specific objective was to evaluate the implementation of Sivil Dusun Programme using the classical criteria for programme evaluation (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, organisation and internal methodology, consistency, complementarity and synergies, impact and sustainability).
The final evaluation encompassed all Components of the programme but according to the Terms of Reference specific attention was given to the forthcoming topics: Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) for supporting networks; Flexible response mechanism for civil society in action – Micro Grant Scheme; Active Citizenship Mechanism (ACM); Support to CSO networking and communication skills.