Self-Evaluation of IPA I Environment Infrastructure projects
The global objective of the evaluation was to provide the EUD to BiH with sufficient information to make an informed judgment about the past performance of the selected projects (their efficiency, effectiveness and impact), to document lessons learned and to provide practical recommendations for follow-up action.
The specific objectives of this project were:
- To assess in particular the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of project implementation, indicating clearly to what extent the results, purposes and overall objectives of the selected projects were achieved.
- To provide comparative assessment of efficiency, effectiveness and impact of EUD interventions based on the selected projects, including strengthens and weaknesses of the different implementation methods.
- To identify and document lessons learned, focusing on the design, implementation and management of the selected projects for improving of programming and identification of possible future actions under IPA II.
- To provide recommendations for practical follow-up action, with the emphasis on actions related to sustainability of project benefits
Particip (Lead), AETS, DAI Global UK