Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2018




 Kenya, Lebanon, Tunisia

Final evaluation of the IfS/IcSP support under Articles 3 and 4 to Counter-terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism (CT/PVE) in beneficiary countries (2007-2016)

The purpose of this evaluation was to provide an assessment and evidence on the scope and performance of the implemented and on-going EU support to CT/PVE provided by the IfS and the IcSP from 2007 to 2016. It aimed at providing recommendations for the improvement of the design and the implementation of EU support to CT/PVE in line with:
a) the principles laid down in the following key EU policy documents:
  • A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy – Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe (2016);
  • European Union Counter-Terrorism Strategy (2005);
  • European Union Strategy for Combating Radicalisation and Recruitment to Terrorism (2014);
  • Preventing Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent Extremism: Strengthening the EU’s Response (2014)
  • Communication from the European Commission of the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions Supporting the Prevention of Radicalisation Leading to Violent Extremism (2016).
b) the principles laid down in the following key international policy documents :
  • The UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (2016);
  • The UN Secretary General’s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism (2016);
  • GCTF Ankara Memorandum on Good Practices for a Multi-Sectoral Approach to Countering Violent Extremism (2013);
  • The UN Sustainable Development Goals (2016)
The evaluation provided the European Commission, the European External Action Service, and other relevant stakeholders with:
  • an independent assessment of the overall IfS/IcSP support to CT and to PVE (2007-2016), paying particularly attention to the results achieved against its objectives;
  • key lessons and recommendations to FPI.2 in order to improve current and future support for CT and PVE financed under the IcSP;
  • recommendations to the European Commission on the best way to approach and improve its support to CT and to PVE both in terms of the use of policy dialogue and
financial assistance.
The analysis, lessons and recommendations were explicitly distinguished (separated when
necessary) given the differences of objectives, approaches and activities relating, on one hand,
to counter terrorism and, on another hand, to the prevention of violent extremism.
The results of the evaluation was used to:
  • demonstrate whether already on-going/planned IcSP interventions in the area of CT and PVE have taken on board the past lessons learned;
  • feed into the overall evaluation and impact assessment of the IcSP;
Geographical coverage:
The evaluation covered all beneficiary countries in which the IfS/IcSP provided/provides support to CT/PVE.


 Particip (Lead), Cardno UK