Project reference


Contract duration

 2018 - 2023




 Congo (Kinshasa)


 Environment, Forestry, Rural and urban development

TA to the establishment of the coordination cell of interventions envisaged in the financing agreement for the environment and sustainable agriculture for protection of biological priority sites of the DRC

The protection of DR Congo's protected areas requires a concomitant, coordinated and coherent effort to conserve nature within parks and improve the well-being of the population living in peripheral areas, through economic and social benefits. positive social issues. Within this context, the European Union and the DRC concluded a financing agreement to support action to contribute to the protection of the country's ecosystems.
The Coordination Unit of the NIP 11th EDF E&AD DRC Program was called upon to support the EDF National Authorizing Officer in the management of the activities foreseen by the financing agreement.
The overall objective of the project was to contribute to the protection and enhancement of the unique environmental capital of the DRC by increasing the positive economic benefits for the surrounding populations.
The specific objectives was:
  • to increase the appropriation of the concerned administrations by feeding the reflection at national level with the lessons of the concrete experiences of the NIP 11th EDF Environment and Sustainable Agriculture.
  • to ensure that the program is implemented in accordance with the objectives of the financing agreement.
The results to be achieved by the implementation of the project were the following:
  • The Cell is set up and operational
  • The integrated planning, monitoring, evaluation and decision support system (PME-DSS) of the NIP 11e EDF E-AD DRC Program is fully operational
  • The Steering Committee of the Program Convention fully assumes the decision-making power devolved to it by the Financing Agreement
  • The progress reports of the PIN 11e EDF E-AD DRC Program and other documents related to its implementation are prepared in a timely manner and submitted to the project owner and stakeholders
  • Program achievements, lessons learned and good practices based on the experience of the program are made available to relevant stakeholders and may be integrated into sectoral policies
  • The exchange of information between stakeholders, communication and visibility of the program are ensured.


 Particip (Lead), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting)