The main objectives of the evaluation were to provide the relevant external co-operation services of the European Union and the partner government with an overall independent assessment of the current and past performance of the EU-Funded programmes in the fields of security and safety, paying particularly attention to the results of the projects against their designed objectives and the security objectives of the EU more particular in the fields of CVE and CT. A strategical rather than operational focus was expected.
The mid-term evaluation for Decision IcSP 2015/038-522 aimed to:
- draw lessons from the first months/years of the intervention implementation;
- adjust the contents of the on-going intervention in relation to realities in the field and/or contextual developments;
- improve the intervention under way and its results;
- identify other areas of support after the end of the programme.
While for the final evaluation for Decision ENPI 2012/023-533 and all remaining projects the main aim was to :
- detect the real changes in the field and analyse the changes produced by the intervention;
- check and explain achieved results;
- identify and judge unexpected results;
- assess the sustainability of the intervention's benefits;
- report to the institutions that have allocated the resources;
- transfer acquired experiences to other countries or sectors.
The evaluation covered all evaluation criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability + EU value added and coherence).