Identification and Formulation of an ACP-EU Climate Services (and related applications) Programme
The Global objective of the assignment is to support in the identification and formulation of an Intra-ACP
Climate Services Programme to be included in the 2017 Annual Action Plan under the intra-ACP 11th EDF, in line with the Objective 2.2. of the Intra-ACP Strategy. Consultations with the key stakeholders in Africa, Caribbean, Pacific and Europe are undertaken for this purpose.
The Specific objectives of the assignment are:
- Prepare a detailed options report providing a context and sector assessment including an analysis of the sector, the regional context and stakeholders, lessons learned and complementarities/synergies with other relevant programmes, as well as a list and description of potential options for an Intra-ACP Climate Services Programme along with the justification of the proposed options.
- Support in the identification of Intra-ACP Climate Services Programme, including the preparation of the Initial Action Document.
- Support in the formulation of the Intra-ACP Climate Services Programme, including the preparation of an Action Document as well as all annexes including the Logframe matrix.