Project reference


Contract duration







 Governance, Institutional development, Project implementation / Technical Assistance

TA to OCTA for its Institutional Strengthening

Assistance to the Executive Committee of OCTA in the implementation of its mandate from the 14th OCTA Ministerial Conference to "examine options for further strengthening the OCTA Secretariat" and to "review the Articles of Association in view of presenting recommendations to the 15th Ministerial Conference" in February 2017
The specific results achieved were:
Result 1: Assistance in ensuring that OCTA fulfills its legal, contractual, fiscal, accounting and HR obligations
Result 2: Assistance to OCTA in reviewing the Articles of Association in the context of its institutional strengthening and presenting recommendations to the Ministerial Conference
Result 3: Assistance OCTA in the process of applying for financial support by the European Union in the frame of the 11th EDF.