Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2018






 Education, Infrastructure, Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring, assessment and support to EU and other donor funded Education and complementary programs by the Ministry of Education to deal with the Syria crisis

The systematic and timely monitoring of its programmes and activities is an established priority of the European Commission. The focus of the current evaluation is on the monitoring of progress against set indicators and the assessment of achievements, the quality and the results of interventions in the context of an evolving cooperation policy with an increasing emphasis on result-oriented approaches.
Evaluations should provide an understanding of the cause and effects links between activities and results and in this case in particular the effectiveness and efficiency of the EU intervention in the basic education system in Jordan under the EU Support to the Second Phase of the Education Reform programme and in particular the school construction.
At the same time it aims to provide an overall independent assessment of the agreed benchmarks of the European Union's current cooperation under the EU Support for the Budget Support to the Ministry of Education to deal with the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan under ENI/2014/037-650 and ENI/2015/038-501 as well as future interventions in the same field funded under the Madad program and tentatively a school construction programme funded under Madad.
The current project brings together several needs in the field of education in Jordan which are reflected in the variety of main and specific objectives of the project.
The specific purposes are to contribute to the assessment of the education sector in Jordan with especial attention to the supervision missions through:
  • to assess benchmark for indicator 5 under the EUSSPER;
  • to assess all benchmarks for the Budget Support to the Ministry of Education to deal with the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan under ENI/2014/037-650 and ENI/2015/038-501;
  • to assess of all benchmarks for the newly planned EU budget Support programme in the field of Basic Education for the school year 2017-2018 under the Madad programme;.
  • to update the methodology for the assessment of the quality of education under Jordanian and Syrian pupils, including the design of a new sample of 30 schools
  • (tentatively) to assess the school construction under Madad;
  • to provide quality assessment reports based on the new sample of 30 schools as from 2017;
  • to assess the Common Results Framework of the education support to the Syrian refugees through support programmes of the Ministry of Education funded by other donors under the Jordan Compact;
  • to provide additional information upon request by other donors in relation to the Common Results Framework
  • to assess the capacity to align the services between MOE and other agencies for the delivery of education services to Syrian refugees as well as formulate areas for improvement and further development;
  • to assess the policy of the Ministry of Education in the light of the new Human Resources Development policy;
  • to organize workshops;
  • to provide recommendations for future interventions
  • to update the education sector policy as part of the assessment of the general conditions


 PROMAN (Lead), Particip