Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2018






 Environment, Project implementation / Technical Assistance, Training

Assistance and Training in Transboundary Waters for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Afghanistan)

The overall objective of this contract is as follows:
To assist the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in undertaking dialogue with riparian neighbours
and address issues related to transboundary waters in all its relevant watersheds to promote
peaceful regional cooperation and development; and to ensure that there is a training program
in place at the Institute of Diplomacy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
The specific objectives of the contract are as follows:
OS 1: To provide on-going assistance and support to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, specifically the Directorate General of Border Affairs, Transboundary Waters and Security Cooperation, in matter related to transboundary waters.
OS 2: To build sustainable capacity within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to address transboundary waters through the creation of a training course on international water law and transboundary waters which will be maintained and delivered by the Institute of Diplomacy. This includes conducting a Training of Trainers and overseeing the delivery of at least one training session. The training course should be made available to persons from other ministries, in particular Ministry of Energy and Water, and Ministry of Finance, amongst others.
OS 3: Develop resource data base for transboundary waters including treaties, MOUs, academic literature, and case studies which are pertinent to Afghanistan’s situation.