Project reference


Contract duration

 2018 - 2023




 Civil society

Framework Contract Services for the Implementation of External Aid (SIEA) 2018 - Lot 5: Budget Support

The objective of the Framework Contract is to provide, via individual assignments defined and contracted through Specific Contracts, expertise which can be mobilised at short notice. The quality of the services is guaranteed by the Consortium, which provides the appropriate technical skills and resources.
This FWC provides expertise for the implementation of External Aid. The FWC has no overall contract amount or maximum budget. The contract amount is fixed at the level of each individual assignment in the Specific Contract and the maximum value of a specific contract under this framework contract cannot exceed 999,999 EUR.
The various Specific Contracts are governed by the EU External Aid Programmes under which they are financed. These EU External Aid Programmes include the European Development Fund (EDF), as well as the Programmes financed from the EU General Budget.


 ADE (Lead), 2AC - Associés Audit & Conseil (FR), Cowater International S.A, CRC Sogema, GOPA, GOPA PACE (ex B&S Europe SA), KPMG, KPMG Italy, PMCG, REPIM, Safege Belgium, Sogema Technologies Inc, Statistics Finland