Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2017





Strengthening the Capacity of National Authorising Office in the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development

The global objective of this assignment was to strengthen the capacity of the NAO’s office, in the identification, implementation, coordination and pro-active monitoring and evaluation of the EDF funded cooperation programme, in line with the Cotonou Partnership Agreement, EDF and other relevant procedures. This objective was to be achieved through the implementation of the following:
  • To assess the organisational structure and capacity of the Office of the NAO in discharging its role as foreseen in the Cotonou Agreement;
  • To strengthen the capacity of the NAO in providing inputs in the programming and implementation of the 11th EDF and in contributing to the MOFED Aid Coordination mandate;
  • To assess and design an aid information management system for tracking and reporting development cooperation inflows; and
  • To explore and design further Technical Assistance.


 Particip (Lead), EuroPlus