Final evaluation of the 'Support to democratization processes in Sudan through capacity-building of National Elections Commission and contribution to an inclusive political participation' phase I and phase II.
The main objectives of this evaluation was to provide the European Commission, the European External Action Service, the implementing partner (IOM) and other relevant stakeholders with:
- an independent assessment of the overall implementation of the NEC I and NEC II projects in Sudan, paying particularly attention to the results achieved against its objectives; and
- key lessons and recommendations in order to improve current and future action financed under the ICSP in this sector of intervention and in Sudan.
The specific objectives of this final evaluation were:
a) To assess the performance of NEC I and NEC II;
b) to assess if and to what extent the projects NEC I and NEC II have contributed to strengthen the democratization process in Sudan;
c) to assess the relevance of the IcSP intervention in this context and sector of intervention;
d) to identify and document key lessons learned;
e) to produce a set of recommendations that will assist the EU on:
- Future strategies towards electoral and democratisation processes in Republic of
- The appropriate management structure and delivery methods of future similar actions;
- The main issues to be taken into account for the design and implementation of future interventions under IcSP in the Republic of Sudan.