Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2017






 Communication & media, Project implementation / Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance for Information and Publicity Activities - II

The project aimed to promote public awareness regarding the objectives of the EU financial assistance in the transport sector and its impact on Turkish citizen's lives and Turkey’s economy.
Activities carried out to ensure and sustain the proper visibility of TOP and its projects.
A renewed perspective for the Communication Strategy and Action Plan was prepared.
Project-specific publicity events, media exchanges, focused events organized.
Raising of awareness and the dissemination of information to the general public and other stakeholders assured via printed, visual, website and social media.
The project also provided expert support to the Contracting Authority to enhance its capacity to implement information and publicity activities via formal training modules and a study visit.
The following results conducted:
• Public awareness raised on the TOP policy, activities, achievements and opportunities.
• Operations which are funded by TOP are promoted and target groups are informed about
the programme and projects.
• Capability of the EULD Staff and end recipients of publicizing the projects improved.
• Sustainability of publicity/visibility activities ensured.


 Norm (Lead), ESN, Particip