Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2018






 Monitoring & Evaluation

Third Party Monitoring & Evaluation - Somalia

The project provided independent and objective monitoring and assessments of the EU funded projects' implementation progress with regards to quality of the activities being implemented towards the achievement of the expected results, perceptions on the ground and suggested actions for correcting gaps in the implementation of activities by the implementing partners.
The following key activities were undertaken:
  • Independent and objective monitoring and evaluation of EU-funded projects in Somalia in order to enhance program quality, data analysis, baselines, accountability, effectiveness and capacity building services for the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC), who will in the future be the National Authorising Office (NAO); including its Monitoring and Evaluation Department, concerned line ministries, as well as, key ministries from Somaliland.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of project progress and assessing if implementation is in line with the Compact priorities and principles, as well as, with the respective underlying strategic frameworks for the EU Development Cooperation. EU Somalia engaged the services of a third party monitoring firm(s) to cover monitoring of all EU programmes/projects in Somalia and assess their effectiveness and efficiency.
Results achieved:
  • Result 1: Approved monitoring and evaluation reports on implementation progress. These reports reflected relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact, including gender disaggregated data, conclusions and any other relevant information collected during the monitoring missions.
  • Result 2: Recommendations, and where relevant, improved indicators of outputs, outcomes and impact suggested for the EU, the Somalia Government and the implementing partners to report on in subsequent year of performance.
  • Result 3: An analysis of implementing partners’ monitoring and evaluation processes and concrete recommendations for improvement.
  • Result 4: Shared lessons learnt, verification results and programme management implications on a sector wide level in a user-friendly, accessible manner.
  • Result 5: Built the capacities in the National Monitoring and Evaluation department of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (future National Authorising Office), as well as, concerned line ministries. This included the provision of an M&E training workshop for the above line ministries and involving them in joint monitoring of activities.
The project team provided a detailed strategic sectoral and geographical review of EU projects and provided lessons learnt and recommendations for future programming. A rapid country context analysis was done, identifying priorities, needs and gaps (mainly related to inclusive economic development. SWOT analysis was done for each geographical corridor and a draft Action Document formulated, for future EU engagement in Somalia.


 Particip (Lead), Axiom ME, Dansom