Support to the Armenian Ministry of Nature Protection in the further development of climate-relevant environmental legislation
The project supported the
environmental policy and
law reform which the government of the Republic of Armenia initiated in recent years with the cooperation of the EU, other international donors such as UNDP and UNEP, and also bilateral projects financed by the German BMUB.
The overall goal of the assignment was to support the Armenian Ministry of Nature Protection (MNP) in the
further development of climate-relevant environmental legislation (climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation), in particular the implementation of necessary steps with highest priority:
- The finalization of the draft law on environmental policy and;
- The adaptation of the sectoral environmental legislation.
The assignment lead to the following results:
- The finalised draftlaw on environmental policy was prepared.
- Based on review of relevant sectoral environmental legislation including legislation on: air, water, waste, EIA, (environmental) supervision, levies, and others, a series of draft amendments to relevant sectoral legislation necessary to bring relevant sectoral legislation in line with the Draft Law on Environmental Policy were developed. This output includes emission limit values (ELV) for air and waste water as well as EIA criteria by components.
- A Final draft legislation package for submission to law-making procedures was prepared following consultations with all stakeholders, revisions and modifications according to comments and proposals received in the consultation processes, including:
====the draft Law on
Environmental Policy,
====the draft amendments to
sectoral environmental legislationexplanatory memoranda, as required for the respective law-making procedures.- Relevant target groups/ stakeholders were involved, informed and trained throughout the project through adequate information and consultations.
- A strategy and plan for follow-up activities to complement the environmental law reform were prepared.