Project reference


Contract duration






Final evaluation of the Policy Dialogues Support Facility II (PDSF II)

The global objective of the final evaluation, with reference to the Financing Agreement between the European Commission and China regarding the EU-China Policy Dialogues Support Facility II (ASIE 2010/021-123), is to assess the extent to which the Project has achieved its purpose to date, and to improve the design and the impact of the EC managed external assistance programmes, by strengthening the EC ability to draw on lessons learnt from past and ongoing interventions for future planning, programming and project identification.
The mission team is required:
  • To assess the achievements of the PDSF II to date compared to the original objectives set out in the Financing Agreement, and with regard to impact and sustainability of the various interventions in the different activities.
  • To evaluate the achievements and weaknesses of the Project with respect to the five EC evaluation criteria taking into account the particular situation of the Project and the realities on the ground1.
  • To evaluate in details the management capacity (structure, internal operations, use of project resources, financial control and quality) of the EU Delegation, PSC, TAT, and in particular the visibility of the project activities.
  • To identify and describe the drawbacks and best practices (technical and /or managerial) encountered by the Project including its selection mechanism of activities, internal monitoring mechanism, measures to provide feedback of activities to stakeholders, mechanism to ensure active full participation of the stakeholders / dialogue partners, and the accountability of the output, in the different activities, and
  • To draw conclusions and lessons learned that could feed into ongoing and future planning, programming, project identification and implementation by the European Commission.
The Final Evaluation of this Project only consists of Activity 1-7, as outlined in the Financing Agreement and does not include Activity 8 (EU-China Interpreter's Programme - EUCITP) which is evaluated separately.


 Particip (Lead), ADE, EuroPlus