Project reference


Contract duration







 Governance, Monitoring & Evaluation

Mid-Term Review of the National Programme for Sub-National Democratic Development (SNDD)

The overall purpose of this Mid-Term Review (MTR) was to identify and justify a set of clear recommendations to improve and adjust the NP and its implementation. Prior to making these recommendations, a review of relevance, implementation progress, effectiveness, efficiency, constraints and key issues was carried out.
Both technical and financial aspects have been taken into consideration. In addition, the evaluation was assess two criteria that will focus specifically on the contribution of the European donors to the basket fund:
  • the European added-value of the support to the programme through the basket fund, both regarding its design and implementation;
  • the coherence of the programme within the European Development Cooperation Strategy for Cambodia 2014-2018.
These two specific evaluation criteria have been treated as a separate output in the MTR report.


 Particip (Lead), EuroPlus