Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2020






 Communication & media, Human rights, Institutional development

Support program for media in Tunisia

The overall objective of this technical assistance project is to strengthen the professional media sector in Tunisia and to guarantee the dissemination of independent and pluralistic information guaranteeing freedom of expression.
Results to be achieved are, among others:
  • Governments are strengthened in defining and exercising their roles and responsibilities in the development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and monitoring of public media policies.
  • Public media (radio, television and news agency Tunis Afrique-TAP) are strengthened in their vision and strategic capacities and have initiated internal structural reform.
  • The economic viability of the media is analyzed and reviewed for their plurality and independence.
  • Concertation structures ensure the participation of media professionals, civil society organizations, academics and citizens in the definition of public media policies.
  • Ethics and editorial strategy are incorporated into the mainstream media.
  • Media managers are strengthened in the management and direction of media companies.
  • Media regulation and monitoring is structured and implemented by trained teams.
  • Access to information for public institutions is reinforced by public communicators.
  • The image of women in Tunisian society is valued and reinforced in the media.
  • Young people are encouraged and strengthened by the experience and sense of leadership.
  • School and out-of-school education for media understanding is strengthened.
  • The social partners and civil society are strengthened in their decisions.
  • The media training activity is decentralized and rooted at the regional level.
  • Local deployment of regional radios, television and the Tunis Afrique Presse (TAP) national news agency is consolidated.
==Local media capacities are strengthened and their relations with local civil society strengthened.
  • Media professionals, civil society organizations (CSOs) and citizens of the region are sensitized to issues of freedom of expression and the media.


 Particip (Lead), ANSA, Article 19, DW, France Médias Monde