The objectives of the evaluation were to:
- support the decision-making, both at EU strategic (planning) level, and at the level of the design of the action programmes /interventions;
- feed into the reflection on the revision of future development policies in view of the recent adoption of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda;
- demonstrate whether already on-going/planned IPA (I) II, ENPI/ENI, DCI and EDF action programmes/interventions in the area of social protection have taken on board the latest lessons learnt from the previous programming period;
- provide recommendations on the best way to approach and improve its support to the development of social protection systems, in partner countries both in terms of the use of policy dialogue and financial assistance;
- contribute to the preparation and adjustment of action programmes, namely for IPA II, ENI, DCI and EDF assistance to the extent possible;
- feed in the Mid-term Review of financial instruments;
- feed in Mid-term Reviews of country/region multi-annual indicative programmes.
The evaluation used the five standard OECD/DAC evaluation criteria, namely relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. In addition, the evaluation also looked at the EU added value and the 3Cs.
The evaluation focused on EU support (policy dialogue and financial assistance) provided for the development of social protection systems in partner countries, more specifically on the social insurance and social assistance measures to address the following risks and needs: unemployment, parental responsibilities, sickness and healthcare, work accidents/employment injuries disability, loss of a spouse or parent, old age, housing and social exclusion.
The evaluation covered:
- IPA I beneficiary countries;
- ENPI partner countries;
- Countries covered by DCI and EDF.
The evaluation was conducted in four phases
- An Inception Phase, focusing on the design and the methodology of the evaluation including the reconstruction of the intervention logic and the compilation of an inventory;
- A Desk Phase, focusing on gathering and analysing existing data and information (through literature/document reviews and interviews/focus groups/surveys);
- A Field Phase, including preparation of field missions, visits to the case study countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia*, Malawi, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine*) and drafting of country reports;
- A Synthesis Phase, producing a final report and dissemination of results to concerned stakeholders.