Project reference


Contract duration

 2015 - 2016




 South Africa


 Monitoring & Evaluation

Final evaluation of the Youth Empowerment through culture and sport programme (YEP)

Global objective
The global objective of this contract is to produce an independent evaluation of the Youth Empowerment through Culture and Sport Programme (Financing Agreement DCI-AFS/2009/020-372).
Specific objectives
The specific objective of this contract is three-fold:
(i)analyse the implementation of the project against the standard 5 DAC evaluation criteria, namely: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact.
(ii)trace a sample of direct beneficiaries of the projects and assess the impact the project they were involved in has had on them.
(iii) draw key lessons learnt from the YEP programme's operational implementation, in particular comparing the various methodologies followed by the 7 projects, and make recommendations for future initiatives aiming at addressing youth development through culture and sport.
This evaluation should in particular provide to the EU Delegation to South Africa, the South African Department for Arts and Culture, and National Treasury:
  • Sufficient information to appreciate globally the results and impact of the YEP programme as a whole, in particular by identifying the impact at an individual level on a sample of direct beneficiaries (youth).
  • Conclusions and recommendations on elements of good practice identified during the operational implementation phase of YEP that could be replicated in future actions targeting youth development through sport and culture.


 EuroPlus (Lead), EPRD