Project reference


Contract duration

 2015 - 2016






 Humanitarian aid

Support to the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons for the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia (MRA) in revising the Livelihood Action Plan and developing the policy matrix of the last IDP IV budget support tranche

The aim of this mission was to support the Government of Georgia in implementing the livelihood Strategy by revising its Implementation Action Plan (Livelihood Action Plan) with a view to accelerate the socio-economic integration of Internally Displaced People (IDP) and improve their livelihoods through inclusive community, municipal, regional and national development activities.
The Livelihood Action Plan was approved by Government in February 2015. Together with the newly appointed Head of Administration and the first Deputy Minister, the project ensured that an inclusive and informed revision process took place within the agreed timelines and that an evidence-based Livelihood Action Plan was produced to inform the finalization of the policy matrix.


 Particip (Lead), Femconsult