Support to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development of Sierra Leone: Policy performance monitoring, EU budget support implementation and legal advice on Sierra Leonean pension schemes
The global objective of this assignment was to assist the MoFED in ensuring the efficient and effective allocation of public resources towards activities that contribute to the growth of the economy and development of Sierra Leone. The specific objective of this assignment was to assist the EU Delegation in the follow-up of budget support related issues and to provide interim technical support to the MoFED in the field of monitoring and evaluation of the national development policy, performance measurement of budget support related benchmarks and to provide input in the consolidation of pension related laws/regulations.
In order to achieve these objectives, the following outputs were expected:
Direct support to EU, MoFED and targeted line ministries.
This included analytical and technical advisory notes in a number of areas:
(1) Progress made in the implementation of the 'Agenda for Prosperity 2013-2018'/ Post ebola Recovery Strategy, and the continued credibility and relevance thereof;
(2) Processes and synergies required to enable monitoring & evaluation and reporting of the AfP. This included feedback on quality data collection and transmission of information by selected line ministries (eg health & education);
(3) Progress made on results monitoring frameworks and the relevance of the MTEF;
(4) Progress made on EU budget support related general eligibility criteria (SBC 11 EDF).
Direct support to MoFED and targeted line ministries (e.g. MEST – Ministry of Education Science and Technology, MoHS - Ministry of Health and Sanitation).
It also included analytical and technical advisory notes on progress made on the 6 EU budget support related specific eligibility criteria (SBC 11 EDF) with special attention for the education sector indicators (teacher's payroll management – appointment and functioning of the Teaching service Commission).
Direct assistance to the Accountant General's office to consolidate pension related laws and regulations.
This included the submission, from a budgetary perspective, of a consolidated review of existing pension related laws and regulations, including the 2001 Nassit Act. This review included options for simplification to enhance greater efficiency in public spending.
Particip (Lead), ATC Consultants, GOPA