Project reference


Contract duration

 2015 - 2023




 ENI, Europe


 Civil society

Facility for the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) programmes at the EU’s external borders (Technical Support to the Implementation and Management of ENI CBC Programmes)

The overall objective of the project is to provide technical support to the implementation and management of the 16 ENI CBC Programmes listed in the ENI CBC Programming Document.
The purposes of this contract are the following:
  • to enable participating countries to manage and implement the ENI CBC Programmes in the most efficient way and to ensure effective cooperation between the Member States and the partner countries;
  • to improve the project development and management capacity of organisations eligible to participate in the ENI CBC programmes – such as local and regional authorities, CSOs and other relevant players. These activities should benefit CBC partner countries (including Turkey and the Russian Federation).
  • to stimulate coordination not only among ENI CBC programmes but also between ENI CBC programmes and other similar instruments. This would allow for exchanges of best practices among both Programmes and projects and increase the ENI CBC visibility.
Results achieved:
  • ENI CBC programmes stakeholders will be able to share experiences and best practices with their counterparts in other ENI CBC programmes and with players involved in European Territorial Cooperation and in CBC programmes under the Instrument for pre-accession (IPA) where relevant;
  • The Commission and the ENI CBC programme stakeholders will receive assistance to solve implementation problems;
  • Studies and/or tools of general nature requested by the Commission or ENI CBC stakeholders will be carried out;
  • Active networking among programme stakeholders will be established enabling them to share information, good management practices and to improve procedures.
  • Level of awareness of cross-border and regional cooperation opportunities in the beneficiary regions will be increased;
  • Visibility of the ENI CBC instrument will be strengthened;
  • Coordination of ENI CBC instrument with other sources of funding will be increased,
  • Partners capacity in CBC partner countries to identify and prepare good quality projects will be increased;
  • Partners capacity in the CBC partner countries to manage local/regional development projects will be increased;
  • Number of good quality projects prepared and approved for implementation will be increased.


 Particip (Lead), AETS, DEX, IDEL, Stantec USA (ex-MWH)